Western New York Prevention Resource Center (WNY PRC)
Is one of six regional centers throughout New York State. Located at UConnectCare Behavioral Health Services, the WNY PRC is an initiative of the NYS Office of Addiction Services and Supports (OASAS). The WNY PRC collaborates with community stakeholders in the development of new coalitions and supports established community coalitions as they work to reduce the use and misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs. Additionally, the center provides technical assistance and training to communities and coalition partners, while supporting partnerships between prevention providers, schools, and community groups.
The WNY PRC encourages the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF), which is a public health, outcome-based prevention approach. This seven-phase approach help coalitions move towards the goal of reducing substance use, risky behaviors, and consequences in their communities.
Building healthier communities one coalition at a time!
The goals of the SPF for coalitions are:
➢ To prevent the onset of substance abuse related to underage drinking
➢ To reduce substance abuse-related problems in communities
➢ To build capacity and provide sustainability for coalitions
➢ To assess the community's needs and address them accordingly
What can the WNY PRC do for you?
➢ Guide and assist community coalitions through the Strategic Prevention Framework (SPF)
➢ Provide relevant training and workshops at local and regional levels
➢ Provide coalitions with the technical expertise of a community development specialist
➢ Help secure and enhance linkages with other coalitions and providers in the WNY region

Assessment: The collection of data to decide on the most pressing issue that can be successfully addressed with the resources available. The assessment consists of three elements:
Identifying and understanding the population's needs
Determining necessary resources and their availability
Assessing community readiness
Capacity: Identify and build the human, organizational, and financial resources necessary to develop and carry out a comprehensive community plan to reduce substance abuse. This also includes providing the training and technical assistance so the community has the knowledge and skills to plan and do the work.
Planning: The development of a plan or logic model, including goals, objectives, and action strategies aimed at meeting the needs of the community and creating community-level change. Multiple data-driven strategies to address the problem(s) are selected and associated costs and other resources to implement are identified.
Implementation: The plan and selected prevention strategies, programs, policies, and practices are put into action in the community.
Evaluation: The efforts are evaluated in terms of process, impact, and outcome. The results of the evaluation are used to make adjustments and improvements. Although listed as the last phase, this actually goes on throughout the process.
Cultural Competence: A set of behaviors, attitudes, and policies that came together in a system enabling coalitions to have positive interactions in culturally diverse environments.
Coalition Sustainability: The ability to maintain the human, social and material resources needed to achieve your coalition's long-term goals.